I pasticci dell'assessore Frongia di cui nessuno parla: Granfondo Campagnolo e Mezza Roma Run

30 dicembre 2017
Interessante raccontare cosa è successo con la Granfondo Campagnolo di ciclismo.
La gara si è sempre svolta all'inizio di ottobre e l'amministrazione della città, come è giusto che sia per un evento internazionale (sì vengono da tutto il mondo per correrla, l'ultima volta che l'ho fatta c'erano persone dalla Nuova Zelanda, Irlanda, Polonia, Giappone), è sempre stata presente.
Come tutti i grandi eventi, il giorno dopo lo svolgimento dello stesso si aprono le iscrizione all'edizione dell'anno successivo. Con una grande sorpresa però: "il prossimo anno la manifestazione si svolgerà il 27 maggio!" Ovviamente molti corrono a iscriversi (il numero di iscritti è contingentato), ma dopo un paio di mesi c'è una bella novità: il 27 maggio a Roma si chiuderà il Giro d'Italia. Quindi il programma sarebbe: mattina Granfondo, pomeriggio Giro d'Italia, per un ciclista quale giornata migliore? (Per un maghinaro romano quale giornata peggiore?) Tutto bello, bello, bellissimo... Gente paga l'iscrizione, compra i biglietti aerei o ferroviari (viaggiare con bici al seguito richiede organizzazione), prenota hotel... Poi il giorno di Santo Stefano questo comunicato:

La Campagnolo Roma torna a ottobre.
Il 14 tutti a pedalare all’alba al Colosseo
L’Amministrazione di Roma Capitale ce l’ha messa tutta ma le tribune per la festa della Repubblica non ci avrebbero consentito la partenza dal Colosseo ed il circuito del Giro d’Italia, diverso dal nostro percorso, avrebbe creato ulteriori problemi anche di ordine pubblico.
Si è quindi si è concordato di tornare alla nostra classica data della seconda domenica di ottobre.
Avremo il totale supporto di Roma Capitale, che ha eletto il nostro a grande evento sportivo della città e molto più tempo per preparare la più bella edizione di sempre.
Un grande Villaggio, un evento per ogni tipologia di ciclista, traffico chiuso e tante novità che vi sveleremo pian piano.
Ci scusiamo con tutti per eventuali disagi che faremo di tutto per alleviare.
Chi è già iscritto ma non potrà partecipare sarà ovviamente rimborsato.
Il 14 ottobre, all’alba, ci vedremo al Colosseo per CR VII.

Il giorno successivo le parole dell'Assessore Frongia: 

Novità sulla Granfondo Campagnolo Roma: gara spostata al 14 ottobre. Dopo attente verifiche, infatti, abbiamo ritenuto opportuno cambiare la data dell’evento per l’estrema criticità che si poteva verificare dalla contestualità della stessa con l’ultima tappa del Giro d’Italia prevista per il 27 maggio.
Granfondo Campagnolo Roma torna così alla sua data classica, la seconda domenica d’ottobre, onde garantire a ciascuna manifestazione il massimo supporto e risalto.
GFCR, giunta alla sua VII edizione, è un grande evento internazionale che merita il massimo appoggio da parte di Roma Capitale. La bicicletta e quanto rappresenta è infatti uno strumento sul quale questa Amministrazione vuole investire proprio per promuovere una mobilità sostenibile e sana.
Varie le iniziative che si andranno a sviluppare nel corso del nuovo anno, su tutte #PEDALAROMA, in coordinamento con i Municipi interessati, le scuole, le associazioni ciclistiche e i negozi ciclo per promuovere, specialmente fra i bambini e i ragazzi, uno sport così affascinante e sano.

Benché dica "abbiamo ritenuto di cambiare data", nei commenti al post Facebook Frongia corregge la rotta scaricando tutte le colpe sugli organizzatori della Granfondo: "non li avevamo mai autorizzati per la data di Maggio", da par loro gli organizzatori nella loro pagina spiegano che lo spostamento non è colpa loro e che la data di Maggio era stata addirittura annunciata in una conferenza stampa. Chi dice menzogne? Ad ogni modo chi ha comprato un biglietto aereo da Palermo o da Dublino per la data del 27 maggio che fa? Si viene a vedere il Giro d'Italia? E soprattutto dopo quanto successo quest'anno il prossimo anno che farà? Semplice: va un'altra della mille Granfondo che si svolgono in Italia!

Questa cosa fa più o meno il paio con la Mezza Roma Run, in programma l'8 dicembre, ma il 6 i vigili hanno tolto l'autorizzazione perché siccome passava vicino piazza di Spagna (la mattina) e lì sarebbe andato il Papa (il pomeriggio) c'erano problemi di sicurezza (come se il Papa avesse deciso il 6 dicembre di andare l'8 a piazza di Spagna: ci va da cent'anni e forse più). La manifestazione è stata posticipata così al 17 dicembre (anche qui con problemi logistici per le persone iscritte e non voglio parlare di problemi sportivi di preparazione perché tanto interessano sempre meno). Il 15 dicembre però gli organizzatori si vedono sospendere la manifestazione nuovamente per motivi di sicurezza sollevati dal Comando del XV gruppo. Si parlava di recuperarla durante le feste ma se andate sul sito della manifestazione (http://www.mezzaromarun.com/) troverete questo comunicato:

Gentili Atleti,
purtroppo abbiamo ricevuto dal Comune un'altro diniego, Venerdì 22 Dicembre alle ore 18:00 (naturalmente in questi giorni nessuno risponde alle nostre domande e richieste).
Oramai per noi  è impossibile poter dire quando si realizzerà la MezzaRomaRun.
Riceverete per email elenco delle spese principali che abbiamo sostenuto per provare ad organizzare la gara, soldi spesi dal Presidente perché l'Associazione non dispone ne di fondi Istituzionali ne di Sponsor finanziari.
Comunque sarete tutti rimborsati, chiediamo solo, se possibile, di farlo brevimano, perché fare bonifici per le centinaia di Atleti che si erano iscritti ci farebbe aumentare le spese........
Coloro che per qualunque motivo non potessero passare in sede, potranno inviarci la ricevuta del pagamento e scrivere in evidenza IBAN e saranno rimborsati.
Ringraziamo tutti gli Atleti che avevano scelto di partecipare alla nostra gara. Continueremo ad insistere con la programmazione della gara, nella speranza che le Istituzioni smettano di utilizzare "due pesi due misure" , rendendosi conto che la progettazione e la realizzazione di una gara come la MezzaRomaRun richiede tempi e sacrifici e, non si può annullare tutto in un attimo senza calcolarne le conseguenze.
Auguri per un 2018 come lo immaginate.

Massimiliano Zanetti
Presidente ASGS

Si vogliono fare grandi eventi a Roma e gli organizzatori devono scontrare con queste situazioni. Dove altro al mondo succede? Il Comune invece di indire un bando per togliere a chi oggi organizza la Maratona di Roma e darla ad altri (anche qui si potrebbe pensar male ma evitiamo) pensasse a garantire lo svolgimento degli eventi sportivi che portano tante persone a Roma! Per lo meno abbiamo ben capito il motivo del no alle Olimpiadi: non certo per evitare ruberie e intrallazzi (che peraltro si svolgono ogni giorno, si pensi al caso Spelacchio), ma perché proprio non sarebbero stati materialmente in grado loro come classe dirigente.

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Anonimo ha detto...

Aridatece er puzzone!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Il 14 Aprile 2018 si svolgerà la gara valevole per il Campionato mondiale di Formula E (autovetture GranPrix elettriche) sulle strade dell'EUR. A che punto è l'organizzazione?

Anonimo ha detto...

Ma del macello che stanno facendo con l'ippodromo delle Capannelle a cui hanno dato lo sgombero entro maggio ne vogliamo parlare? Di conseguenza tutti i centri sportivi capitolini rischiano di chiudere battente!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Beh, la Festa della Repubblica non si sa mai quando cade, quest'anno per esempio viene alta, il 2 giugno, come potevano saperlo?

Anonimo ha detto...


Bat21 ha detto...

Tipica efficienza grillina

Anonimo ha detto...

la cosa piu tragica è che non esiste nessuna "opposizione" ufficiale a questo schifo.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ecco una teoria interessante, colpa del PD che non sa fare opposizione. M5S: la fantasia al potere.

Anonimo ha detto...

C'è solo da dire che una città abitata da scimmie troglodite (cioè la maggioranza dei "romani") non può che essere amministrata da scimmie. Prova ne è il fatto che ormai le abbiamo provate proprio tutte (FI+AN, PD, M5S) e nulla è cambiato e cambia.

Anonimo ha detto...

Quanto me piace che state a rosica' per capodanno, mo vi attaccate pure alle corse di ciclisti sfigati ! Hahaha

Anonimo ha detto...

Bella regà! Buon anno a tutti, anche ai cafoni che parcheggiano in doppia, sulle strisce e sui posti pè disabbili. Ai raccomandati fancazzisti negli uffici, ai ladruncoli organizzati, alle famiglione mafiose e ai tantissimi leccaculo.
Alla massa dei sticazzisti che 'iobastachemmagno', ai vigili scomparsi nel nulla ma soprattutto alle buche e alla monnezza che non ci vogliono proprio lasciare!
Daje regà, Roma è la mejo città der monno!!! Ner 2018 sarà ancora più bella di pria!

Anonimo ha detto...

Ma... avete provato ad accedere al sito:



Anonimo ha detto...

Organizzato dall'ISIS???||||

AwaludinUser ha detto...

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Anonimo ha detto...

Come non esser d'accordo? Vorrei ma proprio devo aderire al tuo pensiero

Anonimo ha detto...

Ecco il commento del tipico cittadino romano a cui sta bene lo schifo, purché lo faccia la parte politica alla quale aderisce. Continua così cittadino Romano.

Anonimo ha detto...

Buon pomeriggio a tutti, volevo solo commentare sul fatto che in questa bella citta' ridotta ormai ad una pattumiera, dal mese di giugno 2017 nel quartiere Don Bosco (Tuscolano) tutte le sante sere alle 23.30 chiudono l'acqua e nessuno parla. Ti devi sbrigare a fare tutto anche ad andare al bagno perché dalle 23.30 fino alle 6.30 di mattina non avrai più acqua!!!!!! Tutto questo non si vede nemmeno nei paesi del terzo mondo!!!!!Questa citta' dovrebbe essere una capitale Europea oltre che d'Italia? Ho telefonato al comune, all'acea nessuno sa niente....Ma cosa di deve fare per avere l'acqua come in tutti i paesi civili 24 ore su 24?

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kevin32 ha detto...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number now contain versions for manufacturers, wholesalers, professional firms, contractors and non-profit entities. And retailers, in contributing to one precisely made for professional accounting firms who service numerous small enterprise clients.

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Here we will update you how you are able to obtain QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number or simple ideas for connecting QuickBooks enterprise customer care contact number. QuickBooks is financial software which will help small company, large business along with home users.

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The deep real cause is likely to be found out. All the clients are extremely pleased with us. We've got many businessmen who burn up our QuickBooks Support Phone Number. It is possible to come in order to find the ideal service for your requirements.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

Error Code 15241 in QuickBooks may be caused by a damaged Microsoft Windows Installer or because of damaged QuickBooks Desktop installation. Error Code 15241 in QuickBooks is often caused due to incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries into the Windows registry.
VISIT : https://www.247supportphonenumber.com/how-to-fix-quickbooks-error-15241/

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

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QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

QuickBooks Point Of Sale Support Number supports the idea of rewarding your web visitors in the form of gift vouchers as it builds an excellent bond between your two. All of this is good when alongside you have the comfort of monitoring your inventory. This software lets you track your inventory at every stage.

kevin32 ha detto...

Can be done every user task with QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number Accounting software. Therefore you merely wish to install QuickBooks Payroll software and fetch the details, rest all the essential calculation will soon be done automatically due to the software.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

There are numerous other solutions that one can also decide for to resolve the error 15227. For detailed instruction, it is possible to contact AccountsPro team Intuit software experts by calling QuickBooks Support Phone Number .
visit : https://www.247supportphonenumber.com/how-to-fix-quickbooks-error-15227/

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

Upon the installation of the accounting software, a license information is stored on the hard drive. If this information becomes corrupted, this is when users encounter the QuickBooks Error 3371. The program utilizes a method signature to check the license information in the configurations regarding the hardware.

kevin32 ha detto...

Team at our end is incredibly resilient and focuses on eliminating perhaps the smallest issues of QuickBooks POS Support Number with same zeal & vigour that they have for complex queries.Our team stands out when it comes to having experience. Its experience helps it in finding out the exactly impacted regions of any error, reason behind error etc.

accountingwizards ha detto...

The difference that individuals make amongst our competitors is the fact that our services can be obtained 24*7. But we have made certain that our services are there not merely for namesake. We actually deliver high end, quality technical support services to any or all our customers. Our company is also accessible to work with you at our QuickBooks Payroll Support Number. Call us any moment to get best answers to all or any the QuickBooks Payroll issues that you may come across with.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

Make an effort to “login” using just about any user credentials. When it is successful, then there's data damage and you'll need to resolve it by repairing QuickBooks.
visit : https://www.247supportphonenumber.com/quickbooks-error-6189-816/

accountingwizards ha detto...

Before calling QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number, what you need to do is always to ensure that you have an excellent web connection and you are clearly clearly competent to here us clearly before calling us. It is possible to cherish our above-mentioned beneficial services at most affordable price on just a call.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number ha detto...

The various industry specific versions add cherry in connection with cake. For such adaptive QuickBooks Enterprise Support accounting software, it really is totally acceptable to throw some issues at some instances.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number ha detto...

Microsoft web browser improper configuration will be the reason resulting in an error while downloading and setting up Fix QuickBooks Error 15226 . In order to prevent your device and its own content, QuickBooks prepares to verify the digital signature

helix jump ha detto...

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QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

You are able to cope with the majority of the errors. We need to just coach you on something. Thoughts is broken trained, you're getting everything fine.
visit : https://www.247supportphonenumber.com/

Anonimo ha detto...


Jamess ha detto...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Telephone Number Is Here to assist ease Your Accounting Struggle QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number provides end-to end business accounting experience

jameswill11 ha detto...

Intuit QuickBooks Error 6189, 816 works as a great solution, not only to monitor accounting data but in addition to provide real-time tracking of the current business state. It provides on-site accounting options as well as cloud-based operations. The simplicity associated with the platform makes it simple for almost any user to work about it and, it does not require an advanced degree of accounting experience.

accountingwizards ha detto...

Our hard-working QuickBooks Support team that contributes into the over all functioning of the business by fixing the errors that may pop up in QuickBooks Payroll saves you from getting into any issue further.

accountingwizards ha detto...

Your tech support team team is just just one tap away, dial our QuickBooks Support Phone Number team number and experience our best hassle-free technical support.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

You could get this QuickBooks Error 15270 while downloading a payroll update. may be occurring if the user updates QuickBooks.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

Our clients come back to us many times. We keep all of the data safe plus in secrecy. We're going to never share it with other people. Thus, it is possible to count on us in terms of nearly every data. we have a method of deleting the ability which you have put immediately from our storage. Thus, there isn't any possibility of data getting violated. You ought to get to us in terms of a number of software issues. The satisfaction may be top class with us. You can easily contact us in a number of ways. It is possible to travel to our website today. It's time to get the best help.
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rdsraftaar ha detto...

If the problem still persists, you ought to communicate with our QuickBooks customer care team by dialing this Phone Number +1-888-477-0210. This expert support team at us will help you to resolve QuickBooks Error -6000, -304 with full satisfaction.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

Utilized most extreme because of the SMBs, QuickBooks-the well known bookkeeping programming by Intuit has totally changed the way through which organizations deal with their Accounts office and its particular different areas. Along with its accessibility both on cloud and on introduce, it has helped organizations achieve the following level. Additionally, along with its various kinds which can be Simple Start, Premier, Professional, and Enterprise it can take under consideration organizations of varied sorts and sizes. Be that as it might, alongside such a substantial wide range of hits, it likewise has a couple of misses. It provides its clients a negative dream by halting to function, flying up with blunder messages, and so forth. One such blunder message is QuickBooks Error -6000, -304.

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steffan ha detto...

You might encounter QuickBooks Error Code 6000-301 when wanting to access/troubleshoot/open the company file in your QuickBooks.

Jamess ha detto...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number">QuickBooks Support Phone Number For Business All of the above has a particular use. People working with accounts, transaction, banking transaction need our service.

Jamess ha detto...

Why you ought to choose QuickBooks Support Phone Number The principal intent behind QuickBooks Support number would be to give you the technical help 24*7

Jamess ha detto...

QuickBooks Enterprise has almost eliminated the typical accounting process. Along with a wide range of tools and automations, it provides a wide range of industry QuickBooks Support Phone Number

rdsraftaar ha detto...

You can now get an amount of benefits with QuickBooks. Proper analyses are done first. The experts find out from the nature related to trouble. You're going to get an entire knowledge as well. The support specialist will identify the difficulty. The deep real cause is likely to be found out. Every one of the clients are extremely satisfied with us. We've got many businessmen who burn up our QuickBooks Support Toll Free Number. You can easily come and find the ideal service for your needs.

steffan ha detto...

Creating a set-up checklist for payment both in desktop & online versions is a vital task that needs to be shown to every QuickBooks user. Hope, you liked your internet site. If any method or technology you can not understand, if that's the case your better option is which will make call us at our QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number.

Blogsilly ha detto...

QuickBooks has made payroll management quite definitely easier for accounting professionals. There are so many people that are giving positive feedback if they process payroll either QB desktop and online options. In this web site, we will enable you to experience to create and put up the checklist for employee payment. To have more enhanced results and optimized benefits, you'll be able to take assistance from experts making a call at QuickBooks Payroll Support Number. Well! If you’re not in a position to customize employee payroll in Quickbooks while making the list optimally, in QB and QB desktop, then see the description ahead. Here, you obtain the determination of several sort of information that which you’ve close at hand for assisting the setup process with comfort.

accountingwizards ha detto...

We ensure your calls do not get bounced. In case your calls are neglecting to connect with us at Intuit QuickBooks Support, you'll be able to also join our team by dropping an email without feeling shy. Our customer service support will remain available even in the wee hours.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

QuickBooks Error 111 is one of recognized accounting software that people have at this time. It allows easy management of finances, taxes, funds, and wages. But sometimes we have a tendency to forget it is a software tool most likely and it is bound to generate some errors like Overflow Error in QuickBooks Desktop or the other.

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AllAssignmenthelp reviews is best reviews site in USA, UK and Australia , Welcome to the review Allassignmenthelp reviewsof AllAssignmenthelp reviews, a writing service in Britain aimed at USA students.

Jamess ha detto...

Quickbooks Support For Business All of the above has a particular use. People working with accounts, transaction, banking transaction need our service. Some people are employing excel QuickBooks Support a few calculations.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

At QuickBooks Customer Support Number we work with the principle of consumer satisfaction and our effort is directed to give you a transparent and customer delight experience.

kevin32 ha detto...

One of the most desirable features of QuickBooks Enterprise Technical Support Number is that you have the options like “advanced reporting”. Here, you can make rules according to your preferences and apply those pricing rules.

kevin32 ha detto...

Every one of these resources definitely prove to be fruitful for your needs. In case, you can get stuck at any point, make a call at our QuickBooks Technical Support Number.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number ha detto...

Nowadays, QuickBooks Support Number is now an important accounting software for small and mid-size businesses. The seamless financial management procedure of this software gravitating plenty of businessman every single day.

Madoo ha detto...

Thanks for the info And I hope to read this good article again.

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Mathew ha detto...

QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number is a phenomenal money management system for numerous companies around the globe. When using it, the right and effective QuickBooks help is required by either you or your QuickBooks online accountant for the greatest from this software.

Brother Printer Support Phone Number ha detto...

Brother Printer Support Phone Number + 1-888-600-5222.
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steffan ha detto...

The process is quite simple to contact them. First, you must sign in to your organization. There clearly was a help button at the very top right corner. You are able to click and inquire any question about QuickBooks accounting software. You may also contact our US customer support team using QuickBooks Support Phone Number.

Bryan Willson ha detto...

What’s more important is to obtain the right help at the right time? Your time is valuable. You need to invest it in a significant business decision and planning. Anytime and anywhere you can solve your worries from our experts and Proadvisors via QuickBooks Premier Tech Support Number.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

As mentioned earlier, QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number is extremely helpful in managing information. This holds true for customer information as well. Users can save customer information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, mobile numbers, email addresses, and business credentials. Often times, users might confuse themselves with the different types data entries. In such a case, the QuickBooks POS Support Number will definitely come handy.

jameswill11 ha detto...

QuickBooks payroll Tech Support Phone Number is accounting software, which mainly focuses on small and medium-sized business invented by Intuit Inc. Get help from our advisors by dialing our QuickBooks Payroll Support number, call us on, We are damn sure that you can get the best ever QuickBooks customer service for getting fix you all technical and functional issues.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

Let’s speak about our QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support that will be quite exciting for you personally all. The advanced QuickBooks Desktop App for QuickBooks Support is now able to act as an ERP system beneficial for medium scale businesses. QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is certainly not alike to pro, premier & online versions. Capacity and capability can be the reason behind this.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

QuickBooks Payroll software program is equipped with several advantages that can be availed easily. The QuickBooks desktop payroll version has got to be installed on system to enjoy its benefits. From automatic tax calculation to managing your employee payroll, this software is highly customizable to adapt with your growing business needs. In case you need almost any technical help linked to the program, go ahead and access out technical support services by dialling QuickBooks Upgrade Support. Our backing team is here to resolve your issues in minimum possible time.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

Are you wandering here and there in order to search for the correct means to run the QuickBooks Enterprise software for your business? We have come with a lot of permanent solutions to fix your problems in a few seconds with an ideal QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number. Just dial our QuickBooks Enterprise phone number to contact QuickBooks enterprise help team anytime & anywhere.

steffan ha detto...

QuickBooks Desktop Customer Support Number is QuickBooks's best toll-free number, there are 3 total techniques for getting in contact with them. The next simplest way to talk to their customer care team, according to other QuickBooks customers, is by telling GetHuman about your issue above and letting us find somebody that will help you.

Jamess ha detto...

Quickbooks Payroll Support Quickbooks Statutory Demand There are regular updates through the federal government in regards to the financial transaction QuickBooks Basic Payroll Support Number. This can make your QuickBooks payroll software accurate. You won’t have any stress in operation. Even for small companies we operate. This technique is wonderful for a medium-sized company. You can find the absolute most wonderful financial tool. QuickBooks payroll support number is present 24/7. You can actually call them anytime. The experts are thrilled to aid.

Mathew ha detto...

Either it is day or night, we offer hassle-free tech support team for Intuit QuickBooks Support Phone Number and its own associated software in minimum possible time. Our dedicated technical team can be acquired to be able to 24X7, 365 days a year to make sure comprehensive support and services at any hour. We assure you the quickest solution on most your QuickBooks software related issues.

Blogsilly ha detto...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our
Quickbooks Pro Support Phone Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number ha detto...

QuickBooks Support – Inuit Inc has indeed developed an excellent software product to undertake the financial needs for the small and medium-sized businesses. The name regarding the software is QuickBooks Premier Tech Support. QuickBooks, particularly, doesn't have any introduction for itself. But one that is unknown for this great accounting software, we would like you to definitely give it a try.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

Above provided were answers to rectify the matter, QuickBooks just isn't responding, or QuickBooks Won’t Open.If you are not able to amend the issue, then you can talk with a technical expert at QuickBooks Enterprise Support phone number(toll-free).

tom wick ha detto...

Also, the reason for it’s popularity is not just the diverse features but also the customized support offered by QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number and this makes it convenient to use this software. Another reason for gaining high level of popularity is that this software is much reliable. Problems with the accounting software never happen. Moreover, if they do, they are generally very simple to deal with!

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number ha detto...

QuickBooks Payroll Tech support telephone number So now you have grown to be well tuned in to advantages of QuickBooks online payroll in your company accounting but since this premium software contains advanced functions that can help you along with your accounting task to accomplish, so you might face some technical errors while using the QuickBooks payroll solution. If that's so, Quickbooks online payroll support number provides 24/7 make it possible to our customer. Only you need to do is make an individual call at our toll-free QuickBooks Payroll tech support number . You could get resolve all the major issues include installations problem, data access issue, printing related issue, software setup, server not responding error etc with this QuickBooks Enchanced Payroll Support Number.

Blogsilly ha detto...

We have a team this is certainly extremely supportive and customer friendly.Our customer service executives at QuickBooks customer support Number try not to hesitate from putting extra efforts to provide you with relief from the troubles due to QB Payroll errors.We take good care of our customers and bend towards backward to please them with our exuberant performance. All this is done without compromising with all the quality of services because nothing seems good in the event that work is not done.Our customer support team is enthusiastic and makes best usage of its experience. They just do not let go any issue even if it is fairly complex.

Jamess ha detto...

Quickbooks Support Telephone Number QuickBooks has completely transformed just how people used to operate their business earlier. To get used to it, you should welcome this positive change. Supervisors at QuickBooks Support Phone Number. have trained all their executives to combat the problems in this software. Using the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can look at new methods to carry out various business activities. Basically, it offers automated several tasks that were being done manually for a long time. There are many versions of QuickBooks and every one has its very own features

Mathew ha detto...

They are always open to learn new and innovative methods to resolve QuickBooks problems.
QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number team works really hard towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction. All our support executives are vigilant and highly skilled. They put their hundred percent efforts to resolve issues that are fairly complex.

Blogsilly ha detto...

Our research team at Intuit Support For QuickBooks is dependable for most other reasons as well. We have customer care executives which are exceptionally supportive and pay complete awareness of the demand of technical assistance made by QuickBooks users. Our research team is always prepared beforehand because of the most appropriate solutions which are of great help much less time consuming. Their pre-preparedness helps them extend their hundred percent support to any or all the entrepreneurs along with individual users of QuickBooks.As tech support executives for QuickBooks, we assure our twenty-four hours a day availability at our technical contact number.

tom wick ha detto...

The 3 versions of QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number that are as follows-Basic Version, Enhanced Version, Assisted Version, QuickBooks updated version. QuickBooks online offers come with every type of Free QuickBooks Payroll, which prevents you from trapping with an element that you don't understand. Our professionals have designed the services in a competent way in order to provide the necessary methods to the customers.

rdsraftaar ha detto...

The far reaching prevalence of QuickBooks programming implies that regular issues and errors get wide consideration. A standout amongst the most widely recognized programming errors QuickBooks clients confront is the "Invalid Product Number" error, regularly alongside a mistake QuickBooks Error 176109. What exactly is this error as well as for what reason does this happen?

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

We know that the complexity of errors varies from organization to organization. You don’t have to worry for that as our team is well-aware of the latest software issues and complications. Also, they keep themselves updated with the latest technology and errors introduced in the software on regular period of time. You just need to connect with us on phone by dialing QuickBooks Tech Support Number.

Blogsilly ha detto...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Canada Support Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

Unknown ha detto...

Nomino signore. Pasquale Giulia, alla ricerca di prestito molti mesi fa io hanno subito molti freghi sul netto. Così ho visto una prova sul signore, Diego, vi giuro che è diverso egli lo ha mise in fiducia e con prove a sostiene prima di farmi il prestito di 50.000€ ed anche ho rispettato le sue consegne prima di trovare il prestito egli può aiutarli come me. Ecco la sua mail: diegozumerle71@gmail.com

Mathew ha detto...

This software has equipped nearly all the QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number users with a great deal of strength that they feel accomplished. QuickBooks Payroll is the one such software that includes instilled the correct sense of with your money and its management when you look at the best possible manner.

Jamess ha detto...

QuickBooks Setup So did you just buy the best QuickBooks software? And are you facing the problems in setting up? Then always get-in-touch with our QuickBooks Customer Service Number great team by dialing our toll-free number. And our best support technician shall guide you in the Setup process in step-by-step.

steffan ha detto...

It’s extraordinary for organizations which report using one basis & record assesses an additional.Search towards the chart of accounts is simple to manage with added search bar right within the chart of accounts. For better information, you can call at QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number.

Jamess ha detto...

QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number to generate up Checklist QuickBooks requires below described information to help you to customize desktop or online account fully for payment processing in quite a reliable manner. Within the next step, you can find information through the last service provider. Keeping these records in your records will likely be quite advantageous to keep your account along side information with regards to federal along with state agencies.

JimGray ha detto...

QuickBooks Payroll users are faced with many problems as a result of QuickBooks Payroll Error PS036 that affect their work directly and indirectly. This pay error can occur for a variety of reasons that will stop the software from working if you don't processed effectively. Usually, this payroll error (like many errors) gives an error message asking users to check the payroll subscription.

steffan ha detto...

The QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support team at site name is held responsible for removing the errors that pop up in this desirable software. We take care of not letting any issue are available in betwixt your work and trouble you in undergoing your tasks.

JimGray ha detto...

Users may also make use of the diagnostic tool to check for factors why the fix QuickBooks Error 1330 has come up. After the basic steps for diagnosis sometimes solves the entire problem in one go.

Mathew ha detto...

In addition QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number allows you to have a crystal-clear insight of the business that can help someone to monitor your money, taxes as well as sales report, everything at one place.

Blogsilly ha detto...

Quickbooks Support Telephone Number
QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

Blogsilly ha detto...

Our QuickBooks Technical Support is obtainable for 24*7: Call @ QuickBooks Technical Support contact number any time.Take delight in with an array of outshined customer service services for QuickBooks via QuickBooks Tech Support Number at any time and from anywhere.It signifies that one can access our tech support for QuickBooks at any moment. Our backing team is dedicated enough to bestow you with end-to-end QuickBooks solutions when you desire to procure them for every single QuickBooks query.

kevin2 ha detto...

Advanced Financial Reports: The user can surely get generate real-time basis advanced reports with the help of Intuit QuickBooks Support Number. If an individual is certainly not known for this feature, then, you can call our QuickBooks Help Number.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

QuickBooks Customer Service you decide to outsource your bookkeeper tasks, you don’t need to pay any lucrative amount as salary. If he/she spent some time working for 10 hours, you have to pay for everyone hours rather than for the entire day or month. If you should be smart, you would choose this type of professional accounting services for maintaining your financial records as well as for your company development.

Mathew ha detto...

Our instantly QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number team is perfect in taking down every QuickBooks error. We could assure you this with a warranty. Call our QuickBooks Support contact number. Our QuickBooks Support team will attend you.

steffan ha detto...

Payroll management is truly a significant part these days. Every organization has its own employees. Employers want to manage their pay. The yearly medical benefit is important. The employer needs to allocate. But, accomplishing this manually will need the full time. Strive for QuickBooks Payroll Service Number.

Mathew ha detto...

QuickBooks Upgrade Support Phone Number software has equipped nearly all the QuickBooks users with a great deal of strength that they feel accomplished. QuickBooks Payroll is the one such software that includes instilled the correct sense of with your money and its management when you look at the best possible manner.

steffan ha detto...

There you'll need QuickBooks Technical Support for QuickBooks Pro-advisors, the certified experts with tremendous experience working on QuickBooks errors and Data damage related issues. Dial QuickBooks Help Number for complete diagnostics of one's QuickBooks Data files for Errors and accounting issues.

steffan ha detto...

Intuit QuickBooks Support Phone Number supplies the Outmost Solution of your Software Issues. Although, QuickBooks is a robust accounting platform that throws less errors when compared with others. It is always been the most challenging task to efficiently manage the business accounts in an authentic and proper way simply by getting the best and proper solutions.

Bryan Willson ha detto...

The QuickBooks Support Phone Number is toll-free therefore the professional technicians handling your support call will come up with an instantaneous solution that can permanently solve the glitches.

tom wick ha detto...

This QuickBooks Error 3371 can happen as the users try running the application after the reconfiguration of these systems happens to be carried out. The application is much more essentially vulnerable to the Fix QuickBooks Error Code 3371 once the hard disk drive is cloned. Whenever the error message 3371 pops up there is basically no strategies for a resolution that pop up along with it. The dialogue box gives the user an option of clicking on an “OK” tab.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

A lot of companies have now been saving a consistent sum of money out of opting QuickBooks Support to transfer the salary for their employees. Also, the payrolls are accurate and will probably be cleared timely through QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number. The QuickBooks support contact number is toll-free while the professional technicians handling your support call will come up with an immediate solution that may permanently solve the glitches. With such satisfactory actions happening around, certain data related issues shall happen every so often.

steffan ha detto...

We know that the complexity of errors varies from organization to organization. You don’t have to worry for the as all of us is well-aware of recent software issues and problems. Also, they keep themselves updated aided by the latest technology and errors introduced within the software on regular time period. You just want to connect with us on phone by dialing QuickBooks Support Number.

kevin32 ha detto...

And another thing that people all realize that the very best, right and perfect solutions would be the most significant when Intuit QuickBooks Support comes to 110% development of everyone’s small or mid-size businesses. So to work on this important task, QuickBooks is just one of the best, amazing and perfect accounting software to always and easily & instantly manage most of the business accounts and a whole lot more important things. In accordance with all this, it will be the most well-known software and brand in the usa.

Blogsilly ha detto...

We have a team this is certainly extremely supportive and customer friendly.Our customer service executives at QuickBooks Tech Support Number try not to hesitate from putting extra efforts to provide you with relief from the troubles due to QB Payroll errors.We take good care of our customers and bend towards backward to please them with our exuberant performance. All this is done without compromising with all the quality of services because nothing seems good in the event that work is not done.Our customer support team is enthusiastic and makes best usage of its experience. They just do not let go any issue even if it is fairly complex.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number ha detto...

If you glance at our Amazon Phone Number page, you can observe a typical example of those QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number free calling mechanisms and tips shared by other customers. And take a look at the Hulu telephone number page.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

We realize that the complexity of errors varies from organization to organization. You don’t have to worry for that as our team is well-aware of the latest software issues and complications. Also, they keep themselves updated aided by the latest technology and errors introduced when you look at the software on regular time frame. You simply want to interact with us on phone by dialing QuickBooks Support Phone Number. The QuickBooks support telephone number is toll-free therefore the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with an immediate solution that can permanently solve the glitches.

kevin32 ha detto...

QuickBooks has almost changed this will be of accounting. Nowadays accounting has exploded in order to become everyone’s cup of tea and that’s only become possible because as a result of the birth of QuickBooks Helpline Number.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

The team working behind the QuickBooks Support Phone Number are known to be the best engineers when you look at the entire industry sufficient reason for their timely advice, you are planning to find a reliable solution that is worthy enough for the money you spend to them. The engineers and technicians are working hard to provide a friendly QuickBooks support that you require to possess for reaching them at any given situation.

steffan ha detto...

The program has made the accounting easier for all of us and has helped them in managing and organizing business smartly and effectively. However, after having numerous of plus point, this program is inclined towards errors and bugs. If you are also shopping for the solutions from the accounting software, we advice you to definitely contact QuickBooks Support Phone Number.

Blogsilly ha detto...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Support will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

kevin32 ha detto...

QuickBooks often called the QB is the better accounting software which has integrated various tools which will make your online business accounting process a hurdle free one. QuickBooks Support Phone Number is popular due to the reliable, certain and accurate calculations which do save your time in terms of managing your business accounts the correct way.

jameswill11 ha detto...

Apart from getting amazing quality services, you'll get a unitary solution for all your critical problems through remote assistance. The certified professionals are best and well experienced and always available 24/7 to supply services on-time or before time. So, if you want to contact the group then easily dial our toll-free number of QuickBooks Support Phone Number and acquire one stop solution for all your problems and build your business. Furthermore, we also provide technical assistance for QuickBooks Payroll Support should you be looking for it.

Blogsilly ha detto...

QuickBooks (QB) is an accounting software developed by Intuit for small and medium-size businesses. With this software, you can track your business income and expenses, import and enter all bank transactions, track payments, sales, and inventory, prepare payrolls, store your customers’ and vendors’ information and much more. QuickBooks is a popular choice of many business owners because it allows to save much time and keep all finance-related information organized. However, if you or your accountants have never used it before, you will have to refer to QuickBooks Support to learn how to get the most out of this software. Also, you might encounter various technical issues while using this software. This is where Quickbooks Support can help you.

steffan ha detto...

The QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number can be obtained 24/7 to provide much-needed integration related support and also to promptly make use of QuickBooks Premier along with other Microsoft Office software applications.

steffan ha detto...

QuickBooks includes track income and expenses, invoices, tax deductions, track miles, running reports, sending estimates, track sales numbers. All those features come in just one single program, using QuickBooks is incredible. If you are experiencing or have a problem with your QuickBooks software, you can easily get assistance from our team, contact us at our QuickBooks Support Phone Number, that will be toll-free.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

Intuit has been developing constructive multiple versions of QuickBooks that shall meet up with your business purpose in one way or another. Their widely available accounting software versions and packages are unique from one another and they can be chosen based upon your business type and workflow. The QuickBooks support phone number is toll-free and the professional technicians handling your support call can come up with an immediate solution that can permanently solve the glitches. Get-in-touch with our QuickBooks customer support Phone Number team by dialing our toll-free number 1800-567-9822.

QuickBooks Payroll Support ha detto...

QuickBooks support phone number can be contacted to learn the ways to create an automatic backup to save all your employee-related data from getting bugged or lost at any circumstances. The QuickBooks support phone number is toll-free and the professional technicians handling your support call can come up with an immediate solution that can permanently solve the glitches.Connecting with the executives through the QuickBooks Payroll support number takes less than thirty seconds of the time period. Get-in-touch with our QuickBooks customer support Phone Number team by dialing our toll-free number 800-567-9822.

Anonimo ha detto...

In a generation, where things have been covered by fancy ones, I really enjoyed your content. With engaging content and presentable manner, I got involved with it and just shared it in my friend circle. So, keep doing it and enhancing your number of readers. Moreover, if you need consistent assistance for business tasks, try QuickBooks. This is robust software with useful features. There can be erroneous situations like the QuickBooks Error H101. If you need to connect with the executives, contact them 24*7 at QuickBooks
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The tool includes advanced functions like a fully interactive user-interface, power to recover data from QuickBooks backup files (QBB), preview of recoverable data, support for multiple currencies, and multi-version compatibility. If you want to Resolve QuickBooks Error 9999 then you may contact our ProAdvisors.

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QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number ha detto...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number
If you require any assistance then you can call QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number +1(855)548 3394. The QuickBooks Enterprise works on windows operating system, iOS, and Android. If you find trouble in using QuickBooks Enterprise software on your system then you can contact QuickBooks Enterprise Support for assistance.

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QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number 1(844)-313-4857 | SMB ha detto...

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QuickBooks Enterprise Support phone Number ha detto...

If you require any assistance then you can call QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number +1(855)548 3394. TheQuickBooks Enterprise works on windows operating system, iOS, and Android. If you find trouble in using QuickBooks Enterprise software on your system then you can contact QuickBooks Enterprise Support for assistance.
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Houston Texas QuickBooks Support Number

We are certified QB consultants how are just call away to assist you in any matter,like facing errors, TAX Table update failed or want to move QB from one Computer PC to another.Can't open your QB desktop today , lets data experts will help you.You can call Toll Free Number 📞 1-800-940-7635.

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Contact us for resolving the incoming errors and getting assisted at QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number +1855-548-3394. Our company provides support to third-party services like Quickbooks support, Quickbooks Enterprise support, and products like Quickbooks Pro, Pro Plus, Premium, Enterprise which is also available on the official website of QuickBooks
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QuickBooks Tech support Phone Number ha detto...

You can easily get a solution to all the errors. Get in touch with our team at QuickBooks 24/7 Support Phone Number 1(855)836-9253
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QuickBooks 24/7 Support phone Number ha detto...

For any kind of technical inquiry identified with the software, calling at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1855-836-9253 will give you a speedy

Sage 50 Technical Support Phone Number ha detto...


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Niente più tempi di attesa o visite bancarie stressanti. Il nostro servizio è disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7: puoi ottenere un prestito e completare le tue transazioni in qualsiasi momento e luogo.

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