2 febbraio 2013

Inventario della monnezza tutt'intorno alla Piramide Cestia

Sabato scorso mi sono recata a visitare la Piramide, attendendo delle persone mi sono soffermata a guardare l'immondizia che circonda il monumento dedicato ai carabinieri, proprio nei pressi dell' ingresso della Piramide stessa. Voglio fare i miei complimenti all'inciviltà di certi omuncoli che si permettono di sporcare continuamente ovunque e all'AMA che lascia tutto come sta e non fornisce un adeguato numero di secchi per l'immondizia... e pensando al fatto che 400 metri più in fondo c'è un loro centro di raccolta mi fa venire i brividi.

3 commenti:

  1. Good post thank you for sharing this. I really like it so much. The Pyramid of was designed between eighteen and twelve before Christ. The thirty six meters about one hundred twenty feet high was designed as a spot for a loaded Roman below the sway of all things. Very little is thought the person could have once been buried here, since the spot was way back pillaged and also the land around it's over the centuries. now at the sting of a busy traffic joint close to a grave train stop, first the was well outside of the heart of the town, enclosed by stately columns and 2 bronze figures now within the Muse The rises at a far grafter angle than the far-famed in Egypt. This might are thanks to cant on the front, advance on the a part of the Roman builders use concrete as a work of art, were ready to extra steeply, or they'll are fire up by the vessel close to Jebel Barkla, at present in Sudan. In any event, the size of this near to home has been because the supply of oddly regular in art so they say agent process the new. I’m working here Cheap Essay Writing Service during this craze for all things the far-famed began to seem within the town. 2 of them idea dating from this era still stand - one within the place Del Pool, and also the second within the place did though neither one stands in its new place. as well and choice imports there was really one more, larger in Rome, called the close to the Castel Sant’Angelo. This failed to survive the building crazes of later making, and its marble was utilized in the building of the steps at St. Peter’s Basilica. Thank you

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